
'측정/계측/검사/시험'에 해당되는 글 1541건

  1. 2015.01.22 광택계
  2. 2015.01.22 광택계
  3. 2015.01.15 파워유니트(power unit)
  4. 2015.01.15 장거리 제전제품
  5. 2015.01.15 장거리 제전제품
  6. 2015.01.15 단거리 제전제품
  7. 2015.01.15 단거리 제전제품
  8. 2015.01.14 편광현미경
  9. 2015.01.14 형광현미경
  10. 2015.01.14 세포배양현미경


2015. 1. 22. 15:14 : 측정/계측/검사/시험
제품코드G050876[G050876] 광택계
판매 회사명티큐씨(T.Q.C)


'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

산업용내시경  (0) 2015.01.22
온도계  (0) 2015.01.22
광택계  (0) 2015.01.22
파워유니트(power unit)  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
Posted by NO1여기에


2015. 1. 22. 15:13 : 측정/계측/검사/시험
제품코드G050875[G050875] 광택계
판매 회사명티큐씨(T.Q.C)


'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

온도계  (0) 2015.01.22
광택계  (0) 2015.01.22
파워유니트(power unit)  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050542[G050542] 파워유니트(power unit)
판매 회사명블루스파크
파워유니트(power unit)

1) 제전바의 상태와 제전핀의 청소시기를 알려줍니다

2)정전기 제거할 제품의 정전기의 극성을 알려줍니다

3) 전원공급의 모니터링

4)고전압 센싱 모니터링

5)케이블 고장유무 알람 모니터링

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

광택계  (0) 2015.01.22
광택계  (0) 2015.01.22
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050541[G050541] 장거리 제전제품
판매 회사명블루스파크
장거리 제전제품

-매우 빠른 상쇄효과로 경쟁사 제품보다 5배정도 더 강력하다.
-모든 컨트롤과 고전압부위는 캡슐화 되어있어서 신뢰성과 안전성이 뛰어나다.
-스마트한 이온화: 핀 오염감지시스템과 피드백시스템이 있어서 작업자에게 도움이되고 최적의 효과를 거둔다
-램프나 알람을 울려주는 모니터링기능이 있다,
-티탄늄핀 사용하며, 부러지거나 닳으면 교체가능하다.
-커플 저항 방식으로 고전압 이면서도 쇼크가 없다
-특이한 이중 벽분리로 양이온과 음이온의 재결합피하고 유지보수를 줄였다.
-550mm 에서 3m 까지 제작가능하며 250mm  단위로 제작가능하다.
-750mm 주문하면 900mm 까지 이온화가 500mm 거리에서 가능하다.
-24V 사용

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

광택계  (0) 2015.01.22
파워유니트(power unit)  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050540[G050540] 장거리 제전제품
판매 회사명블루스파크
장거리 제전제품

Distance of 50mm. Web charge level of approximately 50kV before ionisation. Charge after ionisation:

Speed:  100m/min  200m/min   500m/min   1000m/min   1500m/min   1800m/min
3024-F   0.12kV       0.3kV         1.03kV       0.34kV         2.5kV            3.4kV

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

파워유니트(power unit)  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
편광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050539[G050539] 단거리 제전제품
판매 회사명블루스파크
단거리 제전제품

- 좁고 제한된 지역에 제전하도록 되어있어서 트리밍,테이프 광학섬유, 방직등에 적용하기 편리하도록 디자인
- 100mm 까지 제전가능 하다
- 결정적인 부품은 캡슐화되어 있어서 수명이 길고 선도하는 제품이다
-1/2" pipe에 잘맞도록 되어있어서 설치하기 쉽다
-쇼크없는 바

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
편광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
형광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050537[G050537] 단거리 제전제품
판매 회사명블루스파크
단거리 제전제품

- 빠른 스피드로 제전하기위해 쌍으로된 저항방식의 디자인.
- 뾰족한 핀으로 디자인되어 수명이 길다 .
- 핀간겨이 15mm 여서 최대의 이온화지역을 만든다.
- 아담하고 설치하기 쉽다.
- 최대이온화 거리: 200mm (어플리케이션마다 약간씩 다름)
- 의약 이나 제약 식품제조쪽에 적합
- 고전압 파워를 쓰지만 쇼크가 없다
- 최대바길이 6000mm까지 제작가능

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

장거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
편광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
형광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050519[G050519] 편광현미경
판매 회사명원스랩

Polarizing Microscope ECLIPSE LV100POL


Outstanding optical performance, perfect for a wide variety of imaging applications and polarizing techniques

Diascopic illumination type

The newly developed high-intensity 50W halogen light source is brighter than a conventional 100W halogen lamp. Low power comsumption means less heat generation, thereby reducing the chance of heat-induced focus drift.

Why is 50W brighter than 100W

Brightness is not determined by wattage. Nikon's new light source achieves greater brightness by optimizing the lamp filament size and improving pupil illumination fulfillment by optically expanding the size of the light source. This has resulted in a 50W light source that is brighter than a 100W lamp?about 40% brighter with diascopic illumination*.

  • *With 100x objectives.

Nikon's unique fly-eye lens employed in the diascopic illumination optics ensure uniform brightness throughout the visual field - perfect for digital imaging.

Conception of "fly-eye" optics

Improved body shape realizes higher robustness. Due to the newly designed stage mount, the LV100POL achieves double rigidity compared to the conventional model.

Nosepiece comes with a DIN standard compensator slot to accept various compensators for advanced quantitative measurements. All five objectives are centerable.

The intermediate tube incorporates a Bertrand lens, enabling both observation and capture of conoscopic and orthoscopic images.

The industry-acclaimed infinity optics - the CFI60 system -successfully deliver long working distances and high NA and produce tack-sharp aberration-free images.
The episcopic objectives use eco-glass that is totally free of environmentally harmful substances such as lead and arsenic.

CFI P Achromat objective series         CFI LU Plan Fluor EPI P objective series
(for diascopic illumination)                 (for episcopic illumination)


  • Focus stroke has been improved to 30mm, facilitating observation of tall samples.
  • Clamp-type upper limit focusing mechanism makes for easy and safe sample exchange.

Diascopic/Episcopic illumination type

Both diascopic and episcopic polarizing observations are possible by mounting the LV-UEPI universal epi-illuminator. Switching the illumination technique is a simple operation. The epi-illuminator uses the same lamphouse as the diascopic illuminator using the 12V-50W lamp as standard, which provides brighter illumination than a conventional 100W lamp. With an optional universal-type nosepiece and DIC accessories including objectives, episcopic differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy is also possible.

'측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
형광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
Posted by NO1여기에
제품코드G050518[G050518] 형광현미경
판매 회사명원스랩


EPI-Flurosence Microscope




      Ni-E (focusing stage) configured with motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, motorized condenser and motorized quadrocular tilting tube

      Ni-E (focusing nosepiece) configured with motorized excitation and barrier filter wheels, motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, confocal microscope system, high-sensitivity camera, motorized stage and motorized quadrocular tilting tube

      ECLIPSE Ni-E, Nikon’s top-of-the-line motorized upright microscope, was developed to meet the increasing demands for sophistication and automation of research. ECLIPSE Ni-E boasts flexible system expandability and supports a broad range of advanced research applications.
      With Nikon’s proprietary stratum structure, exchangeable focusing mechanisms, from focusing stage to focusing nosepiece, a diverse array of motorized accessories, and automatically changing observation conditions, Ni-E has expanded application possibilities to provide the perfect solution for all advanced bioscience and medical research.

      Stratum structure improves system expandability

      Nikon’s proprietary stratum structure enables simultaneous mounting of two optical paths on one microscope to support various applications.
      This structure allows double layer mounting of an epi-fluorescence illuminator and a barrier filter wheel, or a photoactivation unit and a back port unit, developed for the first time for upright microscopes.

      Ni-E (focusing nosepiece) configured with back port unit, motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, two high-sensitivity cameras, motorized stage and motorized quadrocular tilting tube

      Ni-E (focusing nosepiece) configured with photoactivation unit, motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator, high-sensitivity camera, motorized stage and motorized quadrocular tilting tube

      High-speed motorized accessories

      The wide array of motorized accessories clearly differentiated by function, including the newly developed motorized excitation filter wheel and motorized barrier filter wheel, can be custom-combined depending on application.

      Two exchangeable focusing mechanisms

      Ni-E (focusing nosepiece) configured with multiphoton confocal microscope system, episcopic and diascopic NDD units, motorized epi-fluorescence illuminator and motorized quadrocular tilting tube

      The microscope can be modified by switching the focusing stage and focusing nosepiece, enabling a fixed-stage configuration with motorized focusing to meet the demands of experiments such as in vivo deep imaging utilizing multiphoton confocal microscopy.

      Automatic adjustment with objective changeover

      Condenser, aperture, field diaphragm and ND filter are automatically set to optimal positions according to the objective magnification in use. In addition, XYZ stage travel distance per handle rotation and parfocal distance deviation correction are automatically adjusted. Microscope settings can also be manually adjusted.

      Change of observation conditions

      Selected observation conditions can be designated to individual buttons, enabling changes to be made at the push of a button. This is particularly convenient when reproducing specific observation conditions.

      High-precision motorized focusing

      High-precision Z-focus provides accurate Z-position information required for use with confocal laser microscopes and supports automated Z-series acquisition. Individual coarse and fine focus knobs enhance ease of operation.

      Supreme optical performance

      Nano Crystal Coat technology

      Employed for the first time in microscope objectives, this anti-reflective coating consists of nanometer-size particles. It is based on semiconductor manufacturing technology and is also used for Nikon camera lenses. The coating’s coarse structure and the arrangement of particles in a spongy construction with uniform spaces between them achieve extremely low refractive indices.

      CFI Plan Apochromat λ series objective lens

      With remarkably high NA, greatly improved transmission in the long wavelength range thanks to Nikon proprietary Nano Crystal Coat, and chromatic aberration correction from 435 nm to 850 nm, these objectives are ideally suited not only for brightfield and DIC observations but also for fluorescent observations. These lenses allow bright and clear image acquisition at any wavelength for near-IR imaging and multi-color fluorescence imaging. Because bright images can be captured even with a weak excitation light, damage to specimens is minimized.

      Water dipping objective lenses

      With a long working distance and high NA, these objectives provide excellent transmission in near IR wavelength range. The axial chromatic aberration of 40x and 60x objectives has been corrected to up to 850 nm, allowing high-resolution images of minute structures in thick specimens during IR-DIC observation. The 25xW MP and 100x objectives feature high NA and a long working distance. With chromatic aberration corrected in the IR region, these objectives are ideal for multiphoton excitation observation. In addition, by employing a mechanism to compensate for the changes in spherical aberration that occur at different temperatures and depths of observation points, clear images of areas deep within thick specimens can be captured.

      Uniformly bright illumination

      The“fly-eye”lens is ideally suited to diascopic illumination optical systems. Uniform and bright illumination up to the viewfield periphery is provided at any magnification.

      Fluorescence noise elimination

      Nikon’s proprietary noise terminator mechanism is employed in the epi-fluorescence cube turret and filter cubes. The S/N ratio has been dramatically improved by thoroughly eliminating stray light in the filter cubes, allowing images of weak fluorescent signals to be captured with high contrast and brightness.

      Ultimate ease of operation

      Simple digital imaging

      Images can be captured with Digital Sight cameras by simply pressing the image capture button located on the microscope base.

      3D ergo design

      Most microscope controls can be operated with the easy-to-reach buttons on the front of the Ni-E. Operation buttons on the microscope’s sides are angled to allow intuitive touch-type operations during observation.

      Controllers supporting intuitive operations

      The DS-L3 stand-alone control unit allows Ni-E microscope functions, a Digital Sight camera and peripheral devices to be controlled using a mouse or a touch panel without a PC connection. An ergo controller with a similar operational feel as that of an actual microscope is also available.

      Stand-alone control unit DS-L3

      Ergo controller

      '측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

      단거리 제전제품  (0) 2015.01.15
      편광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      생물현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      Posted by NO1여기에
      제품코드G050517[G050517] 세포배양현미경
      판매 회사명원스랩


      Evolutional stereo microscope

      Nikon has developed an all-new stereo microscope that features a large zoom ratio of 25:1, high resolution and exceptional fluorescence transmission capability to respond to increasing demand for imaging systems that span spatial scales from single cells to whole organisms.


      Motorized zoom model with the highest zoom ratio and resolution in the SMZ series


      Manual zoom model providing advanced optical performance and incredibly bright fluorescence at an economical cost

      TypeMotorized zoomManual zoom
      Zooming observationBF/DF/FL/Simple polarizingBF/DF/FL/Simple polarizing
      Zoom ratio25:118:1
      Magnification range0.63x - 15.75x0.75x - 13.5x
      Maximum magnification 315x*1270x*1
      Maximum FOVø70mm*2ø59mm*2
      Maximum NA of objective 0.312*30.3*3
      • *1Using SHR Plan Apo 2x/C-W 10xB
      • *2Using SHR Plan Apo 0.5x/C-W 10xB
      • *3Using SHR Plan Apo 2x

      Dynamic zoom ratio of 25:1

      An innovative optical system known as Perfect Zoom System provides the world's first zoom ratio of 25:1 (zoom range: 0.63x - 15.75x). Even with a 1x objective lens, the SMZ25 captures the entire 35mm dish and simultaneously delivers microscopic details.

      Arthromacra sp.
      (Using SHR Plan Apo 1x with SMZ25)
      Image courtesy of Japan Insect Association

      Offers the highest zoom ratio thanks to Nikon's Perfect Zoom System

      A breakthrough in stereoscope design, Perfect Zoom System dynamically change the distance between the two optical axes as the zoom factor is changed. This change in optical axis distance enables maximization of light entry into the optical system at every magnification. The result is an uncompromised, large zoom range, high resolution in both eye paths, and minimal aberrations over the entire zoom-range. Furthermore, this breakthrough in optical design enables all of these desirable features be housed in a compact zoom body, resulting in an ergonomic instrument design.

      Superior resolution never before seen on a stereomicroscope

      SHR Plan Apo series

      Nikon's newly developed objective lens series, the SHR Plan Apo series, offers a high resolution of 1100LP/mm (Observed value, using SHR Plan Apo 2x at maximum zoom). The new SHR Plan Apo series of lenses deliver brilliant images with true-to-life colors.

      Comparison of resolution and color aberration by resolution chart


      Conventional model

      Auto Link Zoom (ALZ) supports seamless viewing at different scales

      ALZ automatically adjusts the zoom factor to maintain the same field of view when switching objective lenses. This function enables seamless switching between whole organism imaging at low magnifications and detailed imaging at high magnifications.

      Bright and high contrast fluorescent images

      Enhanced brightness and uniform illumination in low magnification range

      The SMZ25 series is the first stereo microscope in the world to use a fly-eye lens on an epi-fluorescence attachment. This innovative design ensures bright and uniform illumination even at low magnifications, resulting in uncompromised uniformity in brightness across a large field of view.

      Improved S/N ratio and crystal clear fluorescent images thanks to an improved optical system

      Nikon's newly developed optical system offers a drastic improvement in S/N ratio even at high magnifications. This improved S/N ratio makes it possible to capture cell division, which is difficult using conventional stereo microscopes, and samples with low excitation light.

      Zoom body with significant improvements in optical performance

      Nikon has succeeded in improving the signal and reducing noise in fluorescent images by using a short wavelength, high transmission lens. Combined with an innovative epi-fluorescence attachment, the SMZ18/25 is better able to detect excitation light than conventional fluorescent stereo microscopes.

      Sample images



      Single fluorescent neurons can be visualized in live C. elegans
      Fluorescence and OCC images of a live C. elegans expressing GFP- and RFP-neurons
      (using SHR Plan Apo 2x at zoom magnification of 3x with SMZ25)
      Image courtesy of Julie C. Canman, Ph.D., Columbia University

      Automation and digital imaging

      A wide range of digital imaging capabilities with the Digital Sight series and NIS-Elements imaging software

      Easily obtain the information you need, such as Z drive position, zoom factor, objective lens, filter cube, and LED DIA brightness by using the Digital Sight series and NIS-Elements or Digital Sight series DS-L3 together with the microscope.

      Imaging Software NIS-Elements

      One software for all systems: NIS-Elements which is Nikon's flagship, cross-platform imaging software can now be used with Nikon's latest stereomicroscope systems SMZ25 and SMZ18. NIS-Elements enables a wide range of advanced digital imaging capabilities, easily from a PC.

      Multichannel (multicolor)

      Multiple fluorescent channels can be captured in conjunction with other imaging methods such as OCC or brightfield.

      Individual cells resolved in a live drosophila embryo expressing GFP and mCherry
      (Using SHR Plan Apo 2x at zoom magnification of 8x with SMZ25)
      Image courtesy of Max V. Staller, Ph.D., Clarissa Scholes, and Angela DePace, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

      Time lapse

      Easily setup a time-lapse imaging experiment with NIS-Elements.

      (Using SHR Plan Apo 2x at zoom magnification of 9x with SMZ25 and camera head DS-Qi1)
      Image courtesy of Joe Fetcho, Ph.D., Cornell University

      Calcium-imaging: Time-lapse imaging of GCaMP expressing neurons inside a live zebrafish shows individual neurons firing at different times (arrowheads). The last time-frame shows a whole cluster of neurons firing (asterisk).

      Extended depth of focus (EDF)

      Capture multiple high resolution images at different focal depths to create a single extended depth of focus image or quasi-3D image.

      Select the in-focus area (white square) and produces one all-in-focus image
      Zebrafish embryo
      (Using SHR Plan Apo 2x at zoom magnification of 3.4x with SMZ25)
      Image courtesy of Hisaya Kakinuma, Ph.D., Laboratory for Developmental Gene Regulation, Developmental Brain Science Group, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

      Digital Sight Series DS-L3

      DS-L3 is an easy-to-use high-definition, large touch-panel monitor that can be used to quickly capture images without a PC or monitor. The scale bar automatically adjusts to accommodate changes in magnification. Optimal imaging parameters for each sample type and observation method can easily be set using the icons.

      Easy to use

      Easy-to-use OCC illumination

      The new LED DIA Base with a built-in OCC illuminator generates minimal heat, consumes little power and is long-life. This illuminator can enhance the contrast of uneven surfaces, such as that of an embryo.

      Zebrafish embryo (using SHR Plan Apo 1x at zoom magnification of 5x with SMZ18)
      Image courtesy of Junichi Nakai, Ph.D. Saitama University Brain science Institute

      The OCC illuminator can be controlled using a slide lever. Thanks to scales on the slide lever, the user can save and reproduce desired illumination levels. In addition, an OCC plate can be inserted into the illumination unit from the front and rear sides, so images with different shadow direction can be observed.

      What is OCC illumination?
      The acronym OCC stands for oblique coherent contrast (OCC), which is a form of oblique lighting method developed by Nikon. Compared to conventional diascopic illumination that illuminates directly from below, OCC illumination applies coherent light to samples in a diagonal direction, giving contrast to colorless and transparent sample structures.

      User-friendly remote controller

      The all new remote controller provides easy access to zoom and focus controls and is designed for both right and left hand use. The remote controller contains an LCD monitor with an adjustable backlight which provides information regarding the zoom factor, objective lens, filter cube, and LED DIA brightness at a glance.

      On-axis imaging for digital images

      Easily switch between stereo position (stereoscopic view) and mono position (on-axis view) when using the P2-RNI2 Intelligent Nosepiece by simply sliding the objective lens.

      '측정/계측/검사/시험' 카테고리의 다른 글

      편광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      형광현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      세포배양현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      생물현미경  (0) 2015.01.14
      검사현미경  (0) 2015.01.13
      Posted by NO1여기에